Ragoût de Calmars canadien à la mijoteuse

Canadian Calmars stew to the slow cooker

Preparation time: 20 min

Cooking time: 6 h 0 min

Portions: 4 people


2 lbs of Homboldt
1 onion
1 clove of garlic
Salt, pepper, thyme, laurel, swordfish
Olive oil
2 c-à-s of tomato paste
1/2 cup white wine
4 cups of fish soup


  1.  In a frying pan, return the squid with the onion and the sliced garlic until a slight coloration is obtained.
  2.  Add tomato paste and arômates.
  3.  Put the squid, and the filling in the slow cooker.
  4.  Deglaze the pan to white wine and pour on the squid.
  5.  Cover with fish soup
  6.  Cook for about 6 hours.



Serve with seiche ink pasta.